Oh Joy Sex Toy Volume 1
Oh joy, indeed! Following an inspiring crowdfunding campaign, Erika Moen’s beautiful, educational, and entertaining Oh Joy Sex Toy has emerged in book form – and we’re among the very first to have it in our hands and in our shop.
Whether you’re an original Dar fan or you’re just looking for a fun way to learn about the wild world of sex toys, we heartily recommend this thoroughly sex-positive guide (and reviews!) of so many of the amazing sex products the world has to offer.
We’ve always had a weird relationship with sex toy review sites – they’re often dependent on the toys that companies comp them, which means that the smaller indie companies with no cash never get reviewed – but we tend to agree with most of what Oh Joy Sex Toy has to say, and heck! Stoya is in it, so how could we not?
Do note: the newest edition has a blurb from Amanda Palmer on the cover.