Intimacy Games Sex Talk Deck
Deck of 69 questions
There is nothing more seductive than feeling understood. The moments in life when all five of our senses are being stimulated should involve the highest levels of intention, pleasure, connection, and fulfillment. Life is simply too short to not tap into the deepest possible realm with the one you love.
The 69 questions in the Intimacy Games Sex Talk Deck build upon one another while slowly sparking chemistry in an authentic and meaningful way. Questions 1 through 23 are for discovering and discussing what made you into the sexual being you are today. Questions 24 through 46 allow you to express your interests, preferences, fantasies, desires, and more. Questions 47 through 69 build sexual tension and help create a mutually pleasurable and unforgettable experience.
Be prepared to dig up desires, challenge intimate viewpoints, and make space to be heard and felt like never before.