Exploring BDSM
A Workbook for Couples (or More!) Discovering Kink
This book will walk you through eight popular categories of kink, encouraging you to explore each one as you go. Fill out checklists with your partner and get advice on crafting scenes using your compatible kinks. Learn about effective communication in BDSM as you review each scene you’ve tried.
Explore different areas of BDSM:
- Bondage
- Impact & Pain Play
- Sensation Play
- Role Play
- Sexuality & Sexual Taboo
- Protocols & Power Exchange
- Humiliation Play
- Taboo & Edge Play
Get advice on how to explore your kinky fantasies and craft amazing scenes from Kink Educator, Lifestyle and Professional Dominant Morgan Thorne. She shares personal stories, safety information as well as tips to make your explorations thrilling and fulfilling.