Clone-A-Pussy Plus Sleeve Molding Kit
Want to make your very own custom Fleshlight? You don’t need to be Stoya to make it happen! This kit from the folks at Clone-A-Willy is here to answer your nerdy DIY dreams! Make a replica of a vulva you know & love using the included body-safe molding powder, plus silicone. Take that beautiful replica and affix to the included masturbation sleeve. And, ta-da: your own personalized fully fuckable sex toy. Are you planning a craft night yet?!
Clone-A-Pussy Plus Sleeve Molding Kit is the perfect combination of silicone clone kit, masturbation sleeve, and a fun time! The special silicone ensures a precise and accurate replication of your chosen body part in amazing detail. Enjoy your own unique mold with superior tactile sensation. Perfect for long-distance relationships!
Looking for all of the pussy cloning without the sleeve? Check out the classic Clone-a-Pussy kit!